2 Dumb Nights at Blob's: -Decolored-
3 years ago

Decolored Director's Cut and what's in store for it.

If you have seen the Blob website's new update you would know that Decolored/Nightmare zone had some scraped content which I want to add some of that content in this Directors cut of the game


-Fixed a bug with NRB not showing up when he is supposed to.

-yeah that's it this update focuses more on Nightmare zone I will try to make the multiplayer for Decolored tho no promises.

Nightmare zone

-fixed a bug where the "You survived screen would not show up correctly after Night 1.

-fixed a bug where when using the carpet portal to go to Blobulous's room when you had the right food for him it would not feed him.

-fixed a bug where when starting a new night it would quickly show you the room you ended the last night on before correcting it's self.

-Buffed PN Mini Blob where as now if you don't click on him he will not only get rid of all the uncollected shards on screen he will also take some of your collected ones (depended on how high his AI is).

-Buffed Night 4 by making it so you slowy lose phone power at through the night.

-added a Survival mode (explains it's self)

Both modes

-Added the abilty to confrime restarting both Decolored and Nightmare zone

-the icon that takes you to Nightmare zone's menu in Decolored now needs to be unlocked by beating Night 1 of Nightmare zone.

-And a bunch of other stuff in both modes I forgor to mention.

So yeah hope your hyped for this

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Here is a video I made a while ago which teaches people how to make skins in a FNAF fangame on scratch. The intersting thing about this video I was still using Epicquest to make Decolored instead of Turbowarp which I would later switch to.

Hey Guys

Those who know

And with me finishing a few things phase 1 of devlopment has ended whish me look on the second half. Untill the teasers begin have this amazing image.

1.1.7 (ACTUAL FINAL PATCH) art by: @AThuman

Sorry for the lack of updates as of recent, progress is going very well, I would say about 1/3 of the new stuff has been added, trust me this update will be a real treat for y'all

"Oh gosh what a big hat you got there buddy."

Don't worry yall, game is still alive