Chicken Assassin: Reloaded

6 years ago

Deep Dive with Dr. Spritzel - Is he even a real doctor?

Who is this very evil (and short) man who has abducted Candy from the love of her life? His name is Dr. Spritzel; we’re not sure whether he’s a real doctor, or one of those PhD doctors, but what we do know is that he’s definitely got it in for Mean.


Dr. Spritzel is the amalgamation of the Monopoly man (Rich Uncle Pennybags) combined with all the evil traits found in antagonists and villains (particularly ones played by Danny DeVito) in movies. It’s no surprise that Spritzel is heavily into illegal criminal activities, and as a casino and mob boss, yields much power and influence over the city and it’s officials.


Spritzel suffers from a Napoleon complex, and feels it necessary to find ways to overcompensate for his short stature, hence, his habit of showing off his ridiculously expensive and unnecessary collection of weapons and technology (flamethrowers, servant robots, flamethrower robots…you get the idea).


Things weren’t always this way. At one point, Mean wound up a being a part of Spritzel’s inner circle. It was Spritzel who initially got Mean into the fighting rings when he was just a chick. Things quickly turned sour when Spritzel started to feel that Mean was straying from him, and suspected that Mean was having an affair with his then girlfriend Candy. His suspicions were confirmed when he discovered feathers in his bed that he shared with Candy, and he unleashes his wrath by sending out his goons and henchmen to dispose of Mean.


From one aspect, it can be said that it may look as if Mean, or even Candy are the ones who caused all of this friction, and ultimately brought all of this turmoil upon themselves. However, the reality of the situation is Candy was trapped in a bad relationship with Spritzel, and seemed to have potentially found the courage to leave Spritzel through Mean. Spritzel’s rage is what is probably most telling in painting this picture, as he immediately takes Candy and wages war on Mean. In time, we can only hope that Spritzel will get caught red-handed in all his antics and be put away for a long time where he can’t hurt anyone, and where he may even find time to write a book.



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Behind the Scenes of the Chicken Assassin: Reloaded Trailer