Night at Lucyland: Scratch Edition
4 years ago


If you saw my live stream you might have heard i said that "nal 1.1 will come out that week" well... because of school and sorts i cant work on night at lucyland much. so the new release date will be this month. hopefully I've cleared things up.

Update: I've recently made a night at lucyland Community as well!

come hang out!



Next up

Night 3 Complete!

Treansmission 46.154B recovered

Night 4 complete

What if? Project: Blue Bear X Learning With Pibby So i made a Pibby model recently and decided to put it to good use Anyone wondering about the next big update. It is in it's final stages before release!

Announcement # 20 (Banner time!)

Im done

Announcement # 21 (Banner Time again!)

New year new me!

If you're wondering what on earth has happened to me :3

100%ing this game was quite a journey to take on. At least i had fun while doing it!