All I remember from the previous night was the feel of burning heat against my skin.

I woke up in an abandoned warehouse, all alone. It was pure daylight, the sun hurt my eyes as I looked up. I looked down at my hands to find blisters and red marks all over them.

Once I established I was alive, I got up and walked out of the warehouse, going back towards the city. The streets I came into had black marks over them, some of the buildings were destroyed.

What happened the night before?

I continued to walk till I arrived home, but it was destroyed as well. All my photos and furniture were reduced to ash, except for a single table. All that was left was a piece of paper with some writing on it.

'We'll meet again soon :)'

I immediately burned the paper too scared of what it implied, even though I knew what it meant. Something is after me, I just didn't know what or how to stop it. I looked over the skyscrappers knowing where I had to go.

I needed help to find out what it is that's chasing me down.

I enter into her house.

We haven't talked for over 2 years, ever since the incident. It's one of those things that never really goes away every single time, like god is taunting me with it.

"Hey, you here?" I ask as I walk in the door. I stand there for a bit, waiting for an answer. Suddenly, she comes around the corner.

"Delilah?" She says, running up to me and embracing me. I return it. "It's been so long."

"Yeah, it has." I say as I pull back. "Look, I need your help."

"Oh." Her expression goes from happiness to sadness. "You only came here to get help didn't you?" I nod in response. "W.. well, follow me." We walk into her living room, which really has changed over the past two years. It used to be vibrant colours, red and pinks and purples, but now it's dull, browns and greys. She gestures for me to sit on one of her single couches.

"So, something is happening." I say as I sit. "I woke up in an abandoned warehouse and..." I remove the black gloves I had put on my hand before I left. She gasps in response to seeing them. "I have no clue what happened." I put them back on and pull out the note. "But I came to my house and it was destroyed, this being the only thing fine there." I hand the note to her, she takes it.

"Ok, ok." She says in a hushed panicked voice. "This is actually happening."

"What is happening?"

"Um..." She stands up and grabs a book from her bookshelf. "So, there's these guys called the masters of death." She opens to a marked page. "The name obviously imply what they do." She skims the page. "And someone cheating death doesn't really work out with them." She looks up at me. "You know your power right?"

I try to remember, but all I come to is a blank. "No."

"Well, do you want to know?" She asks. "Or you could stay here and they won't be able to reach you."

"What is my power?"

"Y.. you. Every time you die, you come back but..."

"Ah, I cheat death, kinda figured that out." I stand, ready to leave. This didn't help. "Thanks for the help Chloe."

"Wait, don't leave." She grabs my hand from behind. "Please. I miss you." I yank my hand away.

"We broke up, get over it." I walk out of the living room.

"If you won't stay for me, stay for yourself." She says in a desperate attempt to keep me here. "They'll kill you." I open the door, sunlight flooding into the hall.

"I am doing this for me."

I walk through the streets.

I don't want to believe what Chloe said, it's just unbelievable. Death Masters, I can defy death, ridiculous.

Suddenly, a force from my side hits me to the ground. Their hand burns against my skin. They place themselves over me, holding me down. I hold back gasps of pain.

"There you are~" They say, dragging out the r sound. Their voice is raspy and terrifying, sending a chill down my spine. "Now, let's make this quick." They place their hands on my face, it burns like hell. I take the opportunity to kick them in the balls. They revolt off me, gasping in pain. They may be a "death master" but they still feel pain.

I run down the street, taking a turn down into an alley. It's a dead end. I turn to run back out, but they're already standing in my exit.

"You bitch." They grab onto my face from across a few meters in the speed of light. I scream, but punch him as a last ditch effort to defend myself. A force of air shoots out from my hand, knocking them into the distance. I can't see them, but they can't see me, I gotta go.

I try to see if I can take off into the air, and I can. I jump onto the rooftop using the air from my hands. I run and run for what feels like forever before I stop.

Maybe Chloe was right. I gotta get to her house, she can help me. But her house is the opposite way, the same way they are. I start to turn and go back the way I came, jumping from rooftop to rooftop in this amazing city. No time to build that thought up though, gotta keep going.

Eventually, I reach her street. I'm out of breath but I jump onto the street. My legs crack. No, no, no. I CAN JUMP IN THE AIR BUT NOT SUSTAIN MY LEGS AFTER FALLING!

"C.. Chloe." I yell through pain, starting to crawl to her door. I crawl through the street, pain fills my body. The door opens and Chloe looks out. She's shocked.

"Deli-" But a burning pain fills my body and I can't hear anything. I see Chloe try to run down, but she's knocked back inside. All I see before the darkness covers my sight is a sinister smile from my hunter.

All I remember from the previous night was the feel of burning heat against my skin.



Next up

A slightly (just slightly) less rough cover of Call Me What You Like by Lovejoy

"It's OK, I Won't Remember Me Either" and "Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy" covers (Both by Crywank)

Original Privately Owned Spiral Galaxy cover from 10 months ago -…

My Tier List (With Friend)

FNAF World is S-Tier for me


Idiots - Night Of The Living Jives reaction (Animation by @funsubsng )

Animation -

me when the tiky

Doubt - Crywank (Covered by LilyValentine)

It was the 5th top song in my Spotify recap so here is the cover.

10 Reasons To Watch One Piece

A really rough Call Me What You Like Cover (Original By Lovejoy)

My Spotify year wrapped up. I started using Spotify in July, so it hasn't been that long. Cover of one of the songs coming soon.