1 year ago

Delta Combat - Origins is going pretty well. Have an idea for a campaign and multiplayer is going very well and there is a new map.

things that need to be done.

  1. add more weapons

  2. balance the weapons

  3. add equipment

  4. add stat system and unlocks

  5. begin on the campaign



Next up

F in the chat for Queen Elizabeth II. May she rest in peace.

10/10 would definitely defend Stalingrad with

new tarkov style game in progress

made in TW using my engine flashback 2


learned pathfinding. i think we all know where this is going.

new stuff added to this project i stole clouds from someone in d7, like this post right now. thnx

this is the desaturated version, tell me in the comments if i should resaturate it

Delta Combat - Origins Development is chugging along pretty well, but sadly I do not think I will reach the goal of having a Demo soon.

Vietnam firefight map in a old Delta Combat - Origins build

two new maps in progress

I have been making a lot of progress in Delta Combat - Origins. there are a ton of improvements to this compared to Delta Combat such as highly improved net code and shockwave 2. I hope to have a multiplayer demo within the next month.