Knight's Quest RPG
3 years ago

Demo is out now!

Alright everyone! I'm happy to announce that the demo for the game is now officially released to the public. Sorry it took so long, but here it is! I hope y'all enjoy it. Let me know if you find anything wrong with it so that I can fix, and also some feedback would be greatly appreciated as I move forward with the full game. Enjoy!!!




Next up

This is a piece of fan art I did for a YouTuber I follow. He mostly covers and talks about Rareware games on his channel. Go check him out, he's awesome!

Drawn in Aseprite. Text added in Photoshop.

Update log #9 - Also game not dead lol

Update Log #8

Update Log #5 - 2/24/21

PC v1.0.5 and Android v1.0.2 details

I've been working on a Halloween game this entire month for a TDC game jam. Check it out if interested!

* Poster created by @ThePurplePumpkin *

Update Log #6 - 05/19/21

I finally decided to put my Halloween game of 2023 on the site. Enjoy!!!

Update log #10

I might be a little late on this, but never too late to jump onto the public domain bandwagon. lol

Drawn in Aseprite.