Treasure Island: Expedition
10 months ago

Demo Spoilers in article.

Yeah it was a troll, sorry. Consider this as an early April Fools.

This isn't a 7 Days Free scenario, the game is still happening.

Anyways demo is a bit confusing so i'll explain how it works.

Main Night:

You can use a flashlight by clicking on the vent or office hallway.

You can shut off the camera system with space.

Deez: He will enter either the office vent or the office hallway, shut off the cameras when he is in either of them. Shining the light at him is an instant death.

Candice: She will enter either the office vent or office hallway, shine your light at her to make her leave.

Classic Oswald: shut off the cameras when he is on the camera you are looking at.

Daniel Mclaffen: He will begin blocking the office view at 4am. You can still use the flashlight you just can't see it being used. Pay attention to where Deez and Candice go and defend accordingly. (If a character is in the computer room they will enter the vent, if they are in the hallway they will enter the office hallway.

After beating the night you will unlock custom night and the mascot codex. That's it for the troll demo.

Stare at the glitched out codex entry for a bit, the game will crash. Reboot the game, it will unlock a new night.




Next up

pack it up trtf the folly plush eye reveal is the highlight of today

Not really a good room to stay in for the night.

The intro is nearly done, It just needs polish and some tweaking and I'll be able to move onto the Mascot Prep. nights.

this video boring as hell bro



imperfect cell is so cool honestly

my finalest fantasy

Bit dark out, isn't it?

Lounge 1 Ace, New Game+ Stuff, and a very W.I.P Mascot Codex Entry

Lounge 1 Ace's render is unfinished and kinda ehh currently.

The Mascot Codex entry is a W.I.P and will 100% change, the Deez render is a placeholder.

this is the ugliest thumbnail ive ever seen in my entire life what in the fuck is this