Turovero: The Celestial Tower
7 years ago

Demo Version 0.2 Released!

An update for the Turovero Demo has been released, with various tweaks and fixes for balance, quality of life as well as bug fixes!

Change Log:

  • Enemies now have slightly less HP (50-100 points fewer for normal enemies, 200-500 for the bosses). A main complaint was battles lasting for too long, so I hope to trim them down to a bit more tolerable of a length with this.

  • All battle skills (except for Leilia’s) will now take a fraction less MP for each use. For the demo, the difference won’t be much, but it will hopefully help with the rampant MP consumption that the game tends to lend itself to, especially with the field skills to consider.

  • Ruby now has a slightly higher Max MP cap/growth rate, though she does still have the lowest of the group.

  • Enemies will drop a very small additional amount of Silver (1-5 for normal enemies and about 50 for bosses) to hopefully make money grinding a bit less necessary.

  • Sigurd’s “Defender” skill description now specifies the criteria for it to work (i.e. the targeted ally must have less than 30% HP remaining) to avoid confusion.

  • You now get an extra Monster Repellent at the start of the game.

  • Certain “decor” statues that you couldn’t break with Stonecleaver before are now breakable. Why? Because consistency. You still won’t find anything under them. :P

  • Random encounter rate in the Frozen Chamber’s labyrinth room has been decreased slightly.

  • Timing and synch issues with the moving torch puzzle have been addressed.

  • Various minor graphical errors (e.g. incorrect screen tint, incorrect sprites) have been fixed.

  • That one plant in the Frozen Chamber no longer activates another plant simultaneously.

  • One of the Sniper points that wasn’t working as intended has been fixed.



Next up

More Dungeon! More Ice! More... Flowers? A quick preview of another part of the Frozen Chamber dungeon. This is actually a puzzle, by the way. ~Also, “for study”? That’s a funny way of saying “I’d totally give it to my crush”, Edric~

First Dungeon COMPLETE!

New Feature: The Memory Journal

Silly Screenshots: Debug Room Edition! I was tired and loopy after a 10 and a half hour shift when I posted these to the original dev blog, so here’s an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the stupid dummy messages I use to test message busts.

Slimes and Bats and Spiders, Oh My! A preview of the first “dungeon’s” enemies! It’s all standard JRPG fare, so there’s nothing for our heroes to worry about, right? …Right?

Demo Version Now Available!! *Turovero: The Celestial Tower’s Demo is now available!* A huge thanks to everyone who’s shown interest and support for this project so far!! Please enjoy the demo, and let me know if there are any problems or bugs! :D

Main Character Concept Art

Character Introduction: Ami

Silly Screenshot Time! More screenshots! In which the gang has some things to say about campfires, switches, and Ruby’s terrible, terrible puns.

Onward, to Dungeon Number Two! Starting work on the second dungeon! It’s… an ice level, in case you couldn’t tell. And this is literally the only room I’ve made so far, so you also get to see Ruby being gross (as usual) :D;;