2 years ago

Desc: This is a place where you can ask me things, both about myself (within reason) and about Peiku. Anything regarding Peiku might come out as vague as to reduce inconsistencies.

For if you want to ask anonymously^

FAQ in Article


Regarding Myself

Q: What is your favorite color?
A: It is the same Aqua as Danie's scarf and my profile theme. (Hex: 73d5ff )

Q: How old are you?
A: Legal. (18+) Idk why but i don't like giving my exact age over the internet.

Q: When did you start drawing?
A: Physically, since i was in kindergarten (roughly 5). Digitally, i started doing since i started Scratch.

Q: When did you start scratch and why?
A: I started late 2019, and started doing so as there was nothing stopping me from doing it in school. (because it was unblocked) I use it as an art place but i've made a few low-effort games a while back. and animation with coding is interesting. (just not the way i do it)



Next up


finally to move onto step 3...

you get no context

if you know you simply know (you likely dont)

@jasxy_ is on the right

【A rift runner who has answered a call, finds himself above his normal pay grade.】

peikusona redesign (old design in 2nd image)

since when is【】verified? also i cleaned up my playlists on yt

#GJasks id honestly like to see a jaz lore and peiku crossover anyways here is my peikusona while im talking about it-

@jasxy_ @mac_n_cheeseiscool

A useless skill: playing two videos on gj mobile at the same time

decided to start browsing Itch myself as of late and, well...

May my files runneth over..


A REMAKE OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE "Adventures of Jerry the Slime" COMIC!

(Deemed "Jerry the Slem")

if you know you know