Ultimate Freddyverse
7 months ago

Despite the fact that there will be 55 customizable characters, expect many easter egg characters, I can't exactly tell how many yet but definitely more than Ultimate Custom Night lol

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Next up

Listen to my voice... and you will find the key...

Introducing: Challenges! Feel free to suggest challenge ideas in the comments, in the game's comments or in the community's suggestion tab

Oh. That one... I hope that one isn't that confusing...

Ultimate Freddyverse Beta 0.5.0 Released!

Version 0.5.0 is out, with 7 new characters!, updated title screen, updated assets, optimizations, new office skin, new death screens, and more!

Thank you for following the development of Ultimate Freddyverse!

To become a puppet is to rid oneself of the pain and harshness of choice. Now nothing you do is your fault, now you belong to something. . .

You belong to me. . .

Almost done with the 5 remaining characters in UFV

"And later the same night Mario and Luigi, they went into the factory to look for them, but the thing is, they never came out either..."

Vector by @TheTrueCalamitas

Progress update!!! I really owe it to you peple <3

Ultimate Freddyverse is in a state where it's about 90% complete. The main game is fully done, all 55 characters are full functional, as well as the tutorial, challenges and cheats... But not the LOREEE

Hello everyone, just wanted to give a bit of developer commentary on what's up recently

I stopped working on the game during the holidays, but I'm back (tedious stuff)

I currently am mostly optimizing the game and fixing bugs

Thank you for supporting UFV!

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