Sunky the Fangame
2 years ago

dev streams return on monday.........



Next up


BEEP BEEP BOOP INITIATING... 🧈 [[[ STFG Prototype 1 ]]] 🧈 🌸 And we're off! Welcome to the new, high-quality era of Sunky the Fangame development. Feel free to leave feedback/ideas/your favorite color in the comments! 🌸

also, look AT THIS!!!!

Page 3: "Why couldn't the Sunky go to the prom?" Difficulty: ⭐⭐ Instructions❓: "Oh no, it looks like Sunky's misplaced his body! Could you draw it back for him, please?" 💡Tip💡: Remember to be creative! Wanna give him fancy clothes? Or a neck? Go for it!

something about doodles

for those of you who cant use discord, im doin a little art event!! design a super cool badnik and put it next to sunky if i really like the design i miiight put it in the game (and credit u of course)

* a few sunky valentines cards. * "...Sorry, I could only make three. I'm veeeerry sleepy."

Kinda Late But... Happy Pico Day ! (Art By @jemations )

Page 5: "HOI!!!" Difficulty: ⭐ Instructions❓: "Oh, hello Silly! Looks like it's time to color in another- wait no Silly you're too close to the camera- SILLY STOP- 💥" 💡Tip💡: ...oops??