Welcome to Fredbears | Remade
3 years ago

Dev Update #8

Hello everybody! I have come to make an announcement about the game. It is working very well right now. I am looking for the official release date to be February 13th. This may change if I find any bugs or unwanted glitches. Sorry for the wait but this does take a while.



Next up

Release Moved

Hey, Y'all! Dev Update #5


Community/Game Update - #1

Wow... I'm speechless. We reached 1,300 views. I thought this would only get a max of 200. This game has really made my look on making games better. I hope everyone is having a good one and are excited for the games release. Have a good one and thank you.

Robophobia Dev-Log #3

Number 7's name is!.. Oh well, you're not ready to know it yet, but now you can simply refer to her as "A.R."

Dev Update #16