Survive The Nightmare
5 years ago

Dev Updates [2019-07-15]

Thank you

Hi, everyone. I want to start of by thanking everybody for playing and enjoying "Survive the Nightmare". It has been a blast seeing everyone play the game and I am eternally grateful for all the nice feedback.

Update 2.0

The next update and presumably the last will drop on the 17 of July 2019. That is 2 days from me making this post.

The Future

The only thing I can say for sure is that we will keep making games. And hopefully you guys will enjoy them as much as we enjoy making them. More info on our next project "Keep Quiet" will be revealed as time goes on.

// Best regards Johannes, The Reflex Entertainment



Next up

What do you think?

Somebody is eager to join the nightmare...

// Johannes, The Reflex Entertainment

Release 1.0: The Gnome

Survive the Nightmares:

Name: Blood Teddy

Teddy Polygons: 6'496

Development Time: 1 Week

Any suggestions for the menu screen?

Does this look too stiff for a knight's walk cycle?

The demon gnomes are entering the nightmare...


Not biased or anything, but doesn't this game look pretty good?

Edit: I swear the game ran at like 110 fps but it freezes whenever you screenshot inside the Engine.

Working on a Modular set for the spaceship, what do you guys think?

Announcement time! (Project Case Closed)