3 years ago


Hello Rafters!
We hope you enjoyed your break, played some Raft and stayed safe during the holiday season. We are back at work and excited to chat with you again!
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We have spent January continuing to work on development of The Third Chapter, working on the new destinations and planning our roadmap. As much as we can’t wait to show you everything we are working on, we don’t want to spoil too much either. Let’s have a look at what we can share with you this month!


We are working very hard on removing bugs from the game as always, but now, we are also adding bugs! This time it will be your turn to kill them!
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You might have already seen them in the sneak peek concept art we have shared this tuesday. But now, let’s talk about them a bit more. Are they friendly? How big are they? Where will they fit in the Raft world?
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Nope, they won’t be friendly. You will have to fight against these monsters to follow through Raft’s story. And nope, sadly we are not providing you with bug spray. However, good old machete and some bravery might come in handy!
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Another question many of you have asked under the concept art was about how big these creatures will be compared to the characters. Some wished they were tiny, some wanted giant bugs to fight against. Let’s show you with a comparison of them next to Rouhi:
Picture 5

They are not the smallest bugs out there nor the biggest. As we would say here in Sweden, we went for a “lagom” size. Don’t underestimate them however, we can’t promise their bites won’t hurt!

Last but not least, we were asked if they are going to be located on Varuna Point. The answer is, no! They will be on another new destination (which we mentioned in DevBlog#42!). We know you are curious about how this location will look, but we won’t talk more about this new environment just yet. All we can say for now is that it will be crawling with these little buggers and we are having a lot of fun working on it!



Next up

Low poly tree

My new channel art that was made. The pfp will be next on the list of things to redo then I will startup my youtube again

First How the fuck Second Why the fuck @SomeRandomWizard

Teardown community is done! If you like the game of destruction then you should join and if you already have the game and want to share your content or share your many ways of destroying maps you can!

We got this everyone post around the #savetf2 protest in the hopes of valve to fix the game

New profile picture!

0o0 191 followers that's pretty nice also happy halloween gamejolt

Your like a spider?

#spawnday Well damn I wasn't expected that as I got on but its a pretty good thing to get so I thank everyone that's been supporting me for that long

Well I come on to check if anything was happening and..