5 months ago

Development Commentary Video #4 - (Created on: Jan. 15th, 2024)!!!

Hey guys, hope your morning were going well and everything. Sorry if I didn't make any other random posts here today on GameJolt. I was just busy with some chores at home and I kind slept late last night and I kind of woke up late today around at 1:00 PM today!! Well, I did made my first post for today.

But all of it was just about like talking about how many more days are left before the release of the 17th instalment of the "Five Nights at Jax Justun's" series that'll be sooner or later to look forward to in the near future!!! Anyways, for this 2nd post right here, it's another one of these videos based on the "Development Commentary of Jax Justun Studios (JSS)" series!!!


Look, I know I haven't REALLY been making these kinds of stuff here on GameJolt for a long time now. I think the 2nd to LAST videos that I made like this one right here as for today of course was like, last year of 2023. I think. It's been a long time!!!

Anyways, this DCV video right here is just talks about what the post that I'll be uploading here on GameJolt today hopefully, the upcoming characters that I'll be talking about next time, which is only the 7th Parody Character named "Mr. Eyesaur" I think, and of course many other stuff as well talking my past Parody Creations that I'd made from the past days here on January of 2024, etc.

Anyways, it had turned like 8:31 PM at my side, so yeah, stay tuned for many updates to come in the near future, and have fun watching this DCVofJJS video and everything!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!! #ItsOkayToBeScaredOrNervous #WhenTalkingOnCamera!!!!


Links and information for all Songs and Sounds that I'd used for this video right here only!!!

Name of Song #1 - The Missing Link - Nebula (Spacey chillout) - Royalty free music (Created from: The Missing Link!!!)

Link to 1st Song/Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9WJryUXsIU

Name of Song #2 - The Last Song for the Lost Soul - (Created By the Singing Teams from: NerdOut and Halocene!!)

Link to 2nd Song/Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ES_G5sq25Vk

(Please give those amazing and positive Singing Teams some big hugs and some amazing and positive loving-ness and support from their Official YouTube Channels for me okay? Those TWO different Singing Groups had done some amazing work on that Last of Us: Part Two fan-made of a song!!!)

Name of Song #3 - Diggy Diggy Hole Ultimate Combo (Created By an Amazing and Talented YouTuber and Song Creator called "StingAttack"!!!)

Link to 3rd Song/Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPLShELQyNc

(Plz give some positive Love and Support for StingAttack on YouTube okay? This person right here had done some amazing work on that ULTIMATE Duet of Song alone!!! He's a talented Song Artist indeed!!!)

THX for watching the 4th Video from the Development Commentary of JJS!!! #ILoveYouGuys!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!!



Next up

The Official #ThoseNatJJs3 Logo #VersionTwo - (Created on: May 30th, 2024) Afternoon you guys!!!! Yeah, this is awkward here!!!!! Remember I'd said earlier that I'll changed the color errors for the logo for #ThoseNatJJs3WRforR and everything earlier!?!?!

Redhot's Dragon Head (Copies #1, #2, & #3) - (All Created on: June 1st, 2024) The rage is almost about to begin you guys!!!!! We all just need a minute to prep a bit more here you guys!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #6 - (Created on: May 31st, 2024) I want to once again as always, about the late posts here on GameJolt and everything!!! I just busy with me and my family and whatnot..... Usual stuff as always!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depiction #8 (For Zooble "Zooble Rando") - Created on: May 29th, 2024 Hey guys!!!! I know it's like getting pretty late at night on my end here, but I have something to share for you guys for today!!!!

2020 Parody Character #23 - Vatt Vadder Plant (Created on: February 17th to 18th of 2024) Okay, first off, sorry for again the late post. Secondly, how's it going so far you guys????

2020 Parody Character #22 - Mrs. Gallopsasien (Created on: February 14th, 2024 "Valentine's Day") It's almost the end of May of 2024, and that doesn't mean zero posts for today folks!!!!

The Official #ThoseNatJJs3 Logo - (Created on: May 30th, 2024) Well folks, this just got very interesting here for today because more and more of my past future parody games are getting their official upgrades none what so ever!!!!!

2020 Parody Character #24 - Mr. Pineconetree (Created on: Feb. 16th, 2024) Good morning everybody!!! First off, I'm a bit stuffy today cuz of the weather!!! Secondly, yet another Legacy Parody Character has joined & revealed here for today!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #7 - (Created on: June 1st, 2024) Afternoon everybody!!!! Today's finally the first day of June of 2024, and we have something cooked up for today folks!!!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios Boxart #4 (Strawberry Short Heiste) - Created on: March 30th, 2024 Our beloved fans of FNAF, SCP, and MSM (My Singing Monsters), after like three months of waiting, we'd finally gotten our hands on the #4thHTbandMember!!!!!!