Rat vs the World: The Game
2 months ago

Development Diary No. 1

This week I have been working hard on the game to maybe get a first early access version (since I will be busy in my personal life next week)

Although I may not be able to have something finalized by then, here I want to comment on what I have been doing.

First, area number two is already COMPLETE in my opinion, and from what I have been testing, it is going well.

So, I have started making the third zone (which is the last one to launch the first early access). BE CAREFUL, don't get confused, there will be more zones for the final version, but the 3rd will be for early access.

Other things I have done were to change some things to improve the quality of life. Since you haven't tried the game yet, it's obvious that it wouldn't be fun to tell you all the changes, since you haven't tried the game, but some that you might notice are this one.





Another "important" addition is the house, or base, which currently has nothing interesting besides the option to play a game. P.S. "Defend the Cheese" doesn't work, since I haven't started working on it.


In the future more things will obviously be added to unlock or decoration, but currently it is what there is.

I would like to show you the scenario of zone 3, but since it doesn't have ANY enemies or additions yet, then I won't do it, but I will do it in the next development diary if I have it more finished.

Last but not least, I have made a bomb item which will appear once per room, and has the ability to kill all enemies at the same time. I still need to add the option of having it on me without having to spend it instantly, but the mechanics are complete.


Anyway, that's all for this week, if everything goes well, in 2 weeks I will update your heads with more news, I hope you are well, see you!!



Next up


No weekly news this Friday



Presenting... NEW GAME FOR PSP AND OTHERS!!!!!

Surprise! (I Think)

The Factory (Another Update)

I found a CRT effect that I think looks very cool with the game, I think I'll leave it for the final version.

I have already added showtime and improved many graphics There is also the warning (in Spanish)

New BIG Version On The Way!!!

New Update