7 years ago

Development Halted - Not Canceled, but not on Hiatus... Hopefully.

Well… It’s been a while.
Possibly less than I think,

Definitely more than it should have been by now.

So first off… I apologize.
As of late, I haven’t been able to keep up with myself in terms of work load, and personal affairs. As such, I feel I’ve lost touch with my trade as an artist, and somewhat as a writer. I haven’t been getting along in coding, I haven’t made any new sprites or cutscene images, and I haven’t even been scraping around to find new songs for the games soundtrack.

Totally, the games development has halted and been in standby for a good sum of weeks now. It should have never gotten this bad. And for that, I apologize.

Second, and probably the only good news I’ve got for today… I’ve taken a step back on this project. I’ve looked over what I have, what I plan to do, and what I have to do it, and frankly… I have the frame finished.

Now, that may sound confusing, but think of it like this; To make a Game, or any source of media, you need to have some notes on standby. What do I plan on doing here, where is this thing, what is this going to look/sound like. It’s very basic stuff that everyone makes a checklist of in development for everything in life. And for this game… This story rather, I’ve pretty much done that. I have the Beginning, I have a decent grasp on the Middle, and I have a solid lead up for the End. My job now, in the writing department, is filling in the holes. Putting things in place. Making it coherent enough to seem like it’s making some semblance of sense in the grand scheme of it all. That won’t take long, realistically. What will take long is making it enough, and fleshing it out enough for a 24 Hour+ game story.

Lastly, and this is where I get a bit real… This game will break perception.

It will test the players understanding of this world, and the Monster world. Every action, every character, every event and every moment leading up until Monsters are freed to the Surface, and the screen fades to black.

For what I have planned, this is looking to be one of the darkest stories I’ve come to create. As such, I’m taking off from game development for the time being. Before I go any further making this into a game, I want to complete this story. As such, I doubt this game will come to be completed in the next year, possibly even the next decade. But know that once this game’s story is finished, my full attention will be on bringing it to a new level of life.

Until then, this page is likely to only receive updates for hen the Story is updated on my artist DeviantART page. As such, you can feel free to either accompany me to seeing it completed, or you can stay here, and wait for the time to come.

Let it be known, even if the community gives up on Undertale, even if Undertale itself fades into obscurity, I have no intention of abandoning this project.

Even if Toby Fox lets the game die, I will carry my own torch to see a proper addition to the story.

I will finish this. Because I want to.

I look forward to completing this journey with you all.

My DeviantART page, where you can get updates on this story and others like it.



Next up

Progress on "Pause" Menu

Probably an unused Dialogue Portrait.

God is dead

and we’re having a bad time because of it.

Now, logically... So I can move on with everything else... I should probably figure out how to get the hard part out of the way first.

"Something borrowed, something new." ~ Scott Cawthon (Granted, I don't think he ever actually said that but, hey, it's a phrase.)

Dr. Parfétte - Concept Art and Notes

First Pause Window pretty much finished.

Glitches in the System

Roughly 2 hours later: