The Joy Of Creation Reborn: Recreated
2 years ago

development of TJOC:R + or plus will begin on Q1 2023, if things go according to plan that is.



Next up

Development Update 7:

hey everone, it's been 2 months since the last update.

im working on an animation for when black derp enters your office.

check article for more details.

Development Update 12:

not much, just added a little sound for when you are interacting with the button

Development Update 10:

im working on a second game, imma just make the 4 game's whenever you like it or not, i some ideas for ONAD 2 which i will reveal soon, for right now have this early gameplay for the main menu

Development Update 6: i said this was my final update but i thought i make one final update talking about a confirmed release date and a fix that was bugging me for a while, check article for more

that's bloody wicked

Development Update 9:

im starting work on the new power system, starting with the usage bar

New Banner

something happend, i was developing the game and all of the sudden my camera buttons changed, idk how this happened, imma work on patching this.

Development Update 11:

Good Morning (photo taken with my phone)

new years have come and went, and i have some plans for my fnaf game (check article)