Jimmy and the Rushed Game
1 year ago

Development on Chapter 2 has now begun. Though with my other projects, it might take a while for how big it is going to be in comparison.



Next up


"Party before the Finale"

Recreated some of the old Chapter 2 enemies I came up with a while back since some of it looked a bit smoothed out.

Jimmy and the Rushed Game: Whispers and Gifts Update

is now available! Go download it now if you want to waste your time!

Here is a teaser for the newest update "Frozen in Conflict"

Currently I am frozen in conflict with so many ideas, though some may be implemented in later updates to the game. (Even the campaign I am working on.)

Working on Chapter 1 V2 and it will also include the demo of Chapter 2.

Uploaded the first prototype build for a game I am working on in Game Design 2. It is called "Sphere Catcher Ultimate"

Did you know that today is #InternationalJazzDay? 🎷😎

No? 😯 Well, we couldn't pass up this date!

And what better to celebrate this day than #Pecaminosa #OST? 🎷

Let us know what you think about it and have a great weekend!

We are under attack!

Just a Pico sprite

One of the most critical update for Sunblaze demo. Now you are able to pet a cat! Finally!