Zenand Garden: Factory Fresh
2 years ago

Development Update 063022

Zenand Core Features: COMPLETE!

It feels so nice finally being able to say that!

Basically, now, Zenand can move around, and can carry nutrient back to their Factory.
With a bit of modification to the "carry nutrient back to factory" code, I can also make them carry resources back to the Material Stack, and by modification, I mean adding in the code for that; The code is already written to easily allow that.

Anyways, here's a GIF of the Zenand in action!


(Don't mind the random 5 package, that was testing it's code)

(Also don't mind the number of Zenand that it creates, I modified it to create less)

As you can see, the Zenand goes to the corpse, packages it up, and returns it to the factory.

This ONE feature required over 100 additional lines of code in the Zenand!
This feature basically doubled the Zenand code! And this likely won't be the last time something like that happens.

What's next?

As much as I'd like to take a break, obviously, there's still a lot more I need to do.

After adding the code for Zenand to carry materials back to a stack (which'll prob take an hour at most), the next feature I'll implement is hazzards.

Along with Hazzards, I'll be implementing the multiple Zenand types.

With the original, and the C2 port, Zenand types were literally all implemented at the same time. This was because they all had their own code.
This made it a pain to work on them, cause I'd have to make all modifications for every different type of Zenand.

Luckily, with Godot, all Zenand will run off of the same exact code, so a change to one, will be a change to all.
This also includes custom Zenand, which I've been writing the code with that feature in mind, and is the whole reason I got the idea for a single code base for all Zenand.
(Originally, I was just gonna do what I've done in the other versions -_-; )

Anyways, that's all for today!
See you later!



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Annie of the stars