One Night At Derp Remastered
9 months ago

Development Update 6: i said this was my final update but i thought i make one final update talking about a confirmed release date and a fix that was bugging me for a while, check article for more

so the game is set to release somewhere between September 5th and September 10th so keep an eye out for more updates, also i fixed a bug whenever you switch cameras too fast the static would either dissapear or would be barely visible, after editing the code of the camera static i was able to make it to where whenever you switch cameras too fast it wouldn't do it, in other words, it's fixed, thanks for reading this, this may be my final update before i finish the full game, and i will see you in the full game.



Next up

Development Update 12:

not much, just added a little sound for when you are interacting with the button

Development Update 11:

Good Morning (photo taken with my phone)

new years have come and went, and i have some plans for my fnaf game (check article)

Development Update 10:

im working on a second game, imma just make the 4 game's whenever you like it or not, i some ideas for ONAD 2 which i will reveal soon, for right now have this early gameplay for the main menu

Office back finish + Test pose Po

hey, i've been cooking

A Bonnie encounter and the Cameras (Work in progress)

Also, I finally setup the Game Page for this, it is unfinished though, I will finish it when I'll have time to do so.

Development Update 8:

hey what's up. check article for what's new

something happend, i was developing the game and all of the sudden my camera buttons changed, idk how this happened, imma work on patching this.

Evil Skid and Pump vs Xenophanes day 1

this gamejolt page will be updated soon