The Trollge Files x OMORI // Incident 143
1 year ago


NEW SMALL UPDATE/PATCH FOR ACT 1 (no need to download it, but if you want to, go ahead!)


Hello, it's been a while. Lots of things has changed regarding both me and this mod's development.

So, what has changed with Act 1?

(Spoilers are for the Freeplay songs)

  • Almost every story mode song (except for Basiphobia because it doesn't really need one) starts off with a black fade-in effect now (I think it looks cooler that way)

  • Removed "I Swallowed Shampoo" because of copyright reasons (By "removed", I meant unused and still kept in the mod's files. It's not really going anywhere.)

  • Fixed "I'm Not Gay Backpack" and actually made it playable. About time.

    Though, it doesn't really contain anything special. It's just this meme, which is why I didn't bother fixing it earlier.

    The reason why it even exists is because one time I accidentally dropped my phone into water, and I wanted to cheer myself up so I charted something random.

    Weird story, I know.

    The reason why it was even broken in the first place was because of the apostrophe in the title, which is weird to me because in an earlier version of Psych, songs with apostrophes were playable. I'm still wondering why the Psych Engine devs removed that in the latest update. Oh well.

Now, how about Act 2? What songs have I finished?

Sadly, I have not finished anything recently because of schoolwork and stress. I have finished parts of several songs though. Here is my progress so far (Spoilers are for the Freeplay songs):

  • Twisted Melancholy: Fully complete

  • Distorted Nostalgia: Mari's sprites, Chart

  • Tragic Accident: Mari's sprites

  • Eternal Rest: GF and Mari's sprites

  • Karenojisatsu: GF's sprites, Chart

  • Manumission: Sunny, Weltschmerz (phase 1) and Mari's sprites, Chart

  • Screwed: Fully complete

  • Televisiophobia: Six, Mono, BF and GF's sprites

  • Poopoofartophobia: Opila Bird and Weltschmerz (pissed) sprites

  • Oneirophobia and Impetuous Integer have not started progress yet

And that's all I've done for Act 2 so far.

Now enough about mod development. It's time for some possible bad news.

Recently, my school year is finally ending for me, but I might end up having bad grades because I have not been paying attention to my classes due to my family moving into a new area of our house in the middle of the school year, and because of me having a terrible attention span.

All I really did during most of those school hours was sketch out ideas for this mod instead of paying attention to the class, which is not good.

Now what does this have to do with the fate of this mod?

Here's the thing. If I do not get a score that's good enough to pass the grade, I may put this mod into an indefinite hiatus or even cancel it so I can focus on my schoolwork only.

I know that sounds a bit too extreme, but I feel like cancelling this mod is the only way for me to pay more attention to my classes.

Now even if I fail, I will upload an unfinished build of the mod so anyone can finish it, but it may be the last thing I'll ever upload here.

However, if I do somehow pass the grade, development will continue as normal, if not even faster because of no schoolwork to do! (Sadly, I have a feeling that this is the outcome that's less likely to happen. I can only hope for the best.)

So wish me good luck. The fate of this project rests in my hands, and my hands are slippery as hell.

Okay. I think that's all I have to share regarding this mod's development and my personal life. Hope to see you soon.



Next up

maliciousbunny discovered this mod! i am terrified!

epic tutorial!!! VERSION 4

thanks maliciousbunny


New thumbnail and banner

finally Finished mod hooray

Enemies can also suddenly spawn through Realm Rifts. These Rift Spawns are going to be stronger than the ones wandering around. TBD on the enemies... #screenshotsaturday #godstear #madewithunity

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

"Our work is never over" they said.

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.