Rocket Shipment

5 years ago

Devlog #056: Level selection

The biggest point on my to do list was this, a level selection screen.

It's not completely done. I still need to make a sort of switching functionality to switch between main levels and custom ones. But the biggest chuck of work for this is done!

I'm happy how it turned out, but I'm also curious what you think! Perhaps my eyes are deceiving me and this is horrifyingly ugly!

Please tell me what you think!

For showing the completion time I also started work on a savegame manager that saves and loads a save file for each completed level.

After finishing this I will move on to detecting level completion and saving progress!



Next up

Releasing my game after more than 2 years of development

I used my meager gamedev earnings to fund a new trailer. What do you think?

Update v0.7.0: Lowering difficulty

Devlog #073: Configurable gate speeds

Update v0.8.0: Introducing powerups

Just released a free, educational game where you multiply and divide using the base10 system Try it out:

Rocket Shipment CHANGELOG v0.9.0

Release date has been set!

Update v0.5.0 featuring new conveyor tiles

Devlog #074: Drones and locked gates