New game, who dis?
Welcome to the first devlog for Scratch and Friends: Dread! The final entry in the series that'll wrap up the saf story. In this devlog i'll show off some things that i've completed so far. Just remember that not everything here is final!
Dreadful Scratch

This is one of the first models I made for the game, even before then. I wanted to go for a detailed and kinda grimy look, and this is what I cooked up. Scratch will play a much larger role in the story in this game, so you'll just have to wait and see.
If you beat saf remixed, then you might already recognize this guy.
Main menu (wip)

The main menu, still needs some tweaks and adjustments, but it's looking so far.
For the first time in the series, I have decided to not make a demo for this game. This is for story and gameplay reasons.
3rd anniversary news

On December 20th I will premiere 3rd anniversary video that'll show off 2 trailers, one for this game and one for saf remixed update 2.
Signing off
That's all for now, make sure to follow to stay up to date with future devlogs, goodbye.