One Week at Clyde's
1 year ago

Devlog: 1/9/2022

Here is what is done now.

  • All Jumpscares (Just for the animatronics, not the other skins, I will make them when I make Night 6.

  • I added a power meter, that will drop every 10 seconds.

  • I also changed Both Jay's Jumpscare animation, and His model. Why is That you may ask?

    • The Old Jumpscare contained Seizures

      • It was also too related to R.F.J.P's Jumpscare from JOLLY, which I am now technically avoiding referencing, Because the JOLLY Community is going insane, all over an animatronic name.

    • I wanted to stay as far away from the JH series as possible. And that meant changing Jays Model, and Jumpscare animation, to Not HUMILATE HIM even MORE.

  • And Matthews AI is Complete

Now here is what I scrapped,

  • Two easter egg's that involved Taffy from Georgigers Rebranded, and an Easter egg with Divisplice.

  • An easter egg that shows Asriel from Undertale, to avoid a copy right strike, and a lawsuit.

    • Instead, they will be replaced with [Things I will not spoil for you]

  • And like I said, Jays Model, and Jumpscare animation will be changed.

I will update later. the game is now 32% Complete.



Next up

The game got on youtube!

wat is happening?

Devlog: 1/22/2023

I knew he was not done with the Symbolics lol

This person was sending death threats, being racist, threatening to rape me, shoot someone, Rob me and more.

Here is the Eric drama that’s going on.


What did I say? Of course he was going to make a post about it. He will never let go of the Symbolics despite him saying millions of times that he will never watch it again.