Blessed Realities (Cancelled)
1 year ago

Devlog 1: Models - Character models need to be animated, will tackle that later - Buildings and inside of buildings will probably start being designed and modeled tomorrow - Cable Car models coming soon



Next up

Very late post, but my studio is officially 3 years old as of a week ago! Expect some videos to release soon!

Hi y'all! Merry belated CHRIST-mas!

Heavenly Den!: 3rd Anniversary Adventure! -

From Nov. 5, 2023 to Jan. 25, 2024, I'll be celebrating 3 years of Heavenly Den! with a special event: "Celebrating 3 Years All Year!"

Reveal 1: I've officially renamed to Heavenly Den! This is due to my focus on Christian products and just my focus on God as a whole now. Along with that, I didn't like my last name for the studio, and I feel as if this is a better fit for me.

The winners for Heavenly Den!'s 2023 Game Awards are now out! You can view them on YouTube - or my Instagram!

Hi y'all! I'm here to announce that for the rest of the year, I'll be celebrating 3 years of the studio! Stay tuned for more content to be released for the celebration! God bless and Jesus loves you!

Proper form closure announcement!

Reveal 2: The game has officially been renamed to Blessed Realities! This renaming has a similar reason to the studio's name change, the game is more focused on Christianity now, and the original name wasn't as appealing to me.