Dust!StorySwap: Rivals Of Determination
4 years ago

Devlog 1 -

Progress and other stuff


Phases - 16%

Menu - 0%

Music - 15%

Game - 7%

New music!

I have added the WIP version of Killer's Terror to the gamejolt page! I will update the song regularly, so check back every so often to see if the song has gotten an update.


@DarkMinerULTRA - developer, spriter, musician, coder

Comment if you want to join the team! I will look at your skills and if I think you will be a good addition to the team, you can join! Just don't change anything on the game page except for things like spelling and grammar errors, etc.

That's all for this devlog! See you in the next one!



Next up

yeah the dev server is uhh...mostly normal

the new Chara sprite

DEVLOG - The Good And The Bad


everyone that ignores shall die

This version of Chara be like:

what should i make

god, this is gonna a bad idea...

The Church.

sketch of new design

i should not be allowed to have roblox studio

I'M...alive, actually. i only use this site for random stuff now but uhhhhhh yeah. dont expect frequent posts anymore