World free

3 years ago

Devlog 3

Hello this is the 3rd devlog and uff if I love doing this finally let's get started.

One more achievement: if so, I don't know how many achievements this game will have, but there will be many.

Shield ?: The shield was a bit difficult to do but I managed to program it well, it will cover most of the attacks but not all of them will also be a secret object so it will be difficult.

General: a person suggested a button to move faster so I took his idea into account and made the player faster and easier to move and included one more skin.

Well that's all for now until the next devlog bay.



Next up

Today is my Spawn day, thanks to everyone who stayed these 3 years. And well this is the last post for a time so see you later


Jeje he is cute

Are you reaady for take your FREEDOM?

sneek peak

Hey everyone i have sads news

Axolote moment YEY

I'm back yo draw in the paper

I forget this boss

Zenith Martlet -Final Boss genocide

Undertale Yellow

Jeje this is cute

I'm back to program.

I will return to follow the projects that I left pending, among these are:

-Non-existent Freedom Rework

-Undertale battles

-??? (surprise)

Waiting the devolvers soon.

Good night

A bambo forest