Project Insomniac

5 days ago

Devlog (6/24/24 - 2:31AM)

Small update to the description of the GJ page.

I also wanna share this massive fucking document I'm making for the game lol, this is gonna help me through development hopefully

erm also maybe expect a trailer soon idk maybe bye.

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Next up

Devlog (3/9/24 - 6:55PM)

I'm been recently working on the soundtrack for the demo. These tracks will probably come out every few days or so. (These tracks are probably not final/not be in the final game) Remixes MIGHT also be here idk.

Devlog (2/17/24 - 5:25AM)

Today Project Insomniac started production. nothing can be shown yet as not to ruin what i have planned, but hopefully a lot more information will come in a few months. My roadmap for it is clear and I have planned what's next.

Devlog (6/13/24 - 2:31AM)

Sorry it's been a while but i have updates;

-New promo art, this will prob stay for a while

-Testing of animations (among other things)

-Achievements (ignore the censors)

if your wondering who the green thing is, you'll see soon

I am proud to Announce that my first game has started production! It's currently in the development stage, but more information will be shared in the next upcoming months.

Devlog (3/2/24 - 2:55AM)

Development is going smoothly, the game has moved from development to producing(?) stage. A reveal trailer for the game (is possible) in the upcoming months. So for the meantime, take these teaser things.

Chiaki Nanami!

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

So here's the first of the zodiac signs i will make for the next weeks.