Hey guys, there's bunch of new stuff to talk about this devlog! First things first though, I'd like to talk about how it's coming along as a whole.
So, the objective system I set up before has really come in handy for making mission, and I'm happy to announce that the first mission is almost done, the main left at this point is finishing up the environment and guard placement for stealth, but I've still to start tying it in with the rest of the game (mission end screen, return to hub, cutscenes, etc.) which could take a long time.
Second of all, I've realised that making a hub world (town) is going to take way too much to make a reality, and unfortunately I've lost most of what I had on it, meaning that since it's not really the focus of the game, as of now I've had to make the decision to cut if from the game. The plan now is to make a hub room with a mission select, store, arcade games, etc. all in one packed zone that's much easier to work with. But, maybe I'll look into expanding it once the game's finished in an update?
New stuff:
New weapon: T-shirt cannon - Single shot projectile weapon with high-damage piercing rounds! (Sidenote: We're still not sure as to how it ended up in the armory)
Reworked weapon: I found the riot shield to be pretty lackluster, so it's been reworked into a thermite shield! As of now, it doesn't offer any protective capabilites, but it does look damn cool. Once you fire its powerful thermite laser, it won't stop until it's out of juice.
New player ability: Melee - You can slap things now, you're welcome.
Difficulties: There are now 4 different difficulties, ranging from Duckling to Mallard! (Duckling, Goose, Swan, Mallard)
Save files: Thanks to mass reorganisation of how data is handled, there is now proper persistant saving between games using a save file! Saves unlock progress, currently equipped weapons, skins, mods, etc. I haven't added functionality for multiple save files yet, but it seems doable.
Mission setup/loadout screen: Though more of a WIP feature, now that weapon data can be saved and is more easy to work with, I'm working on a loadout screen, showing the details of your mission and loadout. You can select different weapons and skins/mods, and it shows different weapons' information and descriptions!
Fishing minigame: Enough said.
Revamped dialogue system: Pop-up scrolling text dialogue system that can process input (i.e. can take something like "go [player]!" and insert the player's actual username). It also queues up dialogue so they don't overlap or cancel each other out! (This has been super helpful with making the mission objectives)
Revamped weapon slot management: You can now drop your weapons, and they then re-organise themselves to make it easier for you.