Freddy's Spontaneous Day Job
5 years ago

Devlog + Competition winner

Hey everyone, here with a little devlog.

So I finally decided to end jimmy’s middle name competition.

I know I said that in the competition will be his last name, but one of my team members came up with something great. (Trust me, it’s good.)

Jimmy’s middle name will be Eggsar! Entered by @BogdanBango

Please let me know what you want your prize to be, Just a reminder you pick one of these two prizes: Beta test the game’s demo (when it’s done) or have a name Easter egg in the game.

Anyway, lets get to the devlog:

So I decided to change engines for the game.

It used to be renpy, but I’ve moved to RPG Maker MV.

MV will be easier for development, because it would require LOTS of experience to do it in renpy. (which I don’t have)

I’m almost done with Day 1, I’ll leave some screenshots of the game below.


That’s all I have, for now.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask int he comments of this devlog.




Next up

Here's a preview of one of the minigames that will be in the game! I am still working on this, and most of the things you see here will definitely be changed in the release.


Hi. We're cooking. Stay tuned. Enjoy this Kiwi meanwhile.

FSDJ January 2023 Update - New Character + more!

Update is coming this weekend.

FSDJ February 2023 Update + Intro Demo update on the 17th!

Sorry for the lack of updates, been busy lately. I was planning on having something ready for show on Halloween, but some things got in the way. We'll have an update coming soon. Here's some scrapped posters.

Please leave me and my family alone.

Dev Update 6/2/24