New Features:
- Updated Graphics for Navigation Screen (RTS)
- Updated Selection abilities in the Navigation Screen including double click centering and mouse overs
- Navigation Screen now shows Orders, Status, Hit points, and Cargo.
- Navigation Screen now shows Player's Ore, RM and CMs (money), as well as cost of buildings
- Ground turrets can now have weapons switched out via Building Screen
- Saved Configurations will preserve no longer attached devices so their configuration isn't lost when reconnected later
- Updates to Research Screen graphics
- Note: Already installed versions will need to have their sound turned up in configuration and saved to have sound.
- Half built buildings can now be gotten back to and finished. (Still an issue in multiplayer)
- Factories will now look at all asset boxes in an installation stopping confusing blocking of a build of a ship when enough resources exists for a player
- Sound Configuration no longer has decimals and sound levels are properly linear now.
- Fixed building animation to be persistent if multiple builds are unfinished.
- Various Bug fixes
- Bug fixing has been unusually smooth.