New Features:
- Buildings are now upgradable in place within the same category for an upgrade fee. (See Building screen, and then finish with builder bot)
- Fog of War added. Enemy ships and buildings are only visible if a local player's assets are in range.
- Stale intel shows where something "was". Stale ship information disappears after a time, while buildings stay.
- Ships in Quick Designer can be manually named.
- Graphical updates in global overlay (popup windows)
- Ships being built now draw from a Player's entire RM supply, not a single box. (It caused deadlocking)
- Partially built buildings can be resumed even by another player of the same side.
- New installations will have resolutions default to current desktop resolution and monitor.
- Validate if saved resolution is still valid, and if not, use desktop resolution.
- Thought I saw a face among the opening images when loading the game for testing. Art thinks he's funny.