Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories

2 years ago

Devlog Update: August 2022 Edition - Deciding to restart the development process from 2020 to 2021 + WIP look at the character select screen!

Hey all... Slacker here, and it is time for another Devlog Update from yours trully!

And from reading the title, and yeah I've decided that I'm going to be restarting the development process on the game, I know that this is gonna be a tough decision, but I think it was for the best because...

1: I haven't even done much more process on the game like... at all.

2: The build I've made feels really outdated, rittled with game breaking bugs like the slopes not working and I may have accidentily destroyed the character controls lmao

So very soon I will be doing the process on rebuilding the game from scratch again and maybe finding some coders to help out with doing the stuff like a functional GUI hud, the menus, text boxes, the dialouge, boss gameplay, the combat, character switching and all of that kinds of stuff... looks like I'm going back to square one!

But don't worry, all of the stuff I've made like the art assets and the redone character sprites will all not be going away and won't be removed at all, but there would be some slight changes to the art assets.

Now... we can get to something I wanted to share and it is the Character Select Screen!

This is something I really wanted to share for you guys in this part from when I was making the game's art assets, from what you are seeing is a mockup image of that character select screen, but everything from where you choose your characters and the "Choose Your Doodle!" art asset is all done and will be used in-game, but the BG is a placeholder by the way.


The idea for the character select screen is gonna be inspired by games such as The Simpsons Arcade Game, Metal Slug 3, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game, Castle Crashers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge!

And from through the process this week, both Johnathan and Hank are the first ones to be done and will be used in the character select screen, so I have 13 characters left to create!


So that's about it with this dev log, so expect to see some new footage on the new rebuilt version on the game later this year (hopefully...)

#devlog #platformer #gamedev #indiedev #update #gamemaker #gamemakerstudio2



Next up

Development Gameplay Footage of Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories taken in August of 2023

I hope you have yourself a great christmas, and I hope you got the stuff you wanted on your christmas list!!!

Oh hey, since that all the people who came from GameBanana are now coming on here (including myself), I can show off a tease on a mod that I am gonna be working on soon!

It's a whole space pirate menace vs... a ragtag group of young individuals?

Best you better get ready for an adventure that is gonna be both chaotic and pure mischief as hell!

18 year old me trying out Gamemaker Studio 2 for the first time in 2019 and figuring it out on how it works

It's been like a month since I haven't posted anything at all, well... I'm back and I have some brand new stuff that I am gonna show off very soon, like this new test footage on the revamped sprite's on Johnathan + room transitions.

So stay tuned folks!!!

The soundtrack cover for my game, Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories is finally finished! (Just have to repost this due to the text at the bottom)

If you want to learn more about my game, here is a link to the game's page:…

Doodle Madness: Shattered Memories - Promotional Artworks: Johnathan & Gerry

I have made these drawings for my game that shows my character's Johnathan and his rival, Gerry.

And I will make more of these types of artwork very soon!

Happy April the Fool Day!

Sorry I don't have anything funny business today...

BUT... I do have something planned up in my sleeve very soon, it will be talked in an upcoming devlog because ohh boy it is gonna be a big one!