Devlog: Version 0.5.0 Is Now Released With The Tsunami v.2 Mod. A New YouTube Video For It Can Be Found From My Channel Here: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCljUeTX3HFI720ff5rfNqhA
Next up
Devlog: Arctic Antics level is now done. 22 more levels to go. Just to help you out: If the game looks bad or like this try pressing F9 until the game looks good
Devlog: Version 0.4.1 Is now released with a new level "The Gauntlet"
Devlog: 0.5.1 Has Been Released With The "Smokey and the Bandicoot" Level. Release Date For 1.0.0 Has Been Announced In My Patreon
Grimly (Grim Reaper) [Crash Bandicoot]- Joltober
Day 12
General Announcement: The Super Mod will continue development soon. I just created my Patreon page and exclusive content can be unlocked by subscribing to any of my memberships here: patreon.com/user?u=83464021
Dr. Neo Cortex (Mad Scientist) [Crash Bandicoot]- Joltober
Day 9
Devlog: Version 0.5.2 is now released with the "Eskimo Roll" (Level 14) modded! Hope you have fun playing it. Trailer can be seen here: https://youtu.be/7CnyPFDr5RA
General Announcement: Continuing Super Mod making tomorrow. More detailed updates on ym Patreon page.
Happy Joltober! It's Day 9, and today's prompt is Prompt 9: #MadScientist. I decided to draw Dr. Neo Cortex from the Crash Bandicoot series.
Hotfix 1.1: Fixed so the game doesn't get stuck/crash when breaking a box in Arctic Antics version 1.0.1