5 hours ago

Did a 'draw my character' thing on Magma and here are some of the results (warning: peak)

(one of these is made by @GiannaHart and i bet you can't guess which one)



Next up

New hairstyle (leftmost 2)

hey guys

Cover time ;)

(original song is "Karma Strikes back!")

* no matter how much time passes...

* you just can't change nature, can you?

Hey ghuys and ghals

Bored so

HMU with requests (drawing or spritework) and I maybe possibly will do it !!

(Also this can be OC’s or just any random character)


Hey remember how I said I’d make mockups for this a while back

I wasn’t lying

*gunpowder smoke fills the room.

“ no turning back now”

A concept I have for a take on Undertale: Halloween Hack

Minecraft movie if i made it