Five Nights at Coso 3 - The Ending Of The Rejected
2 years ago

Did you know...

  • The main antagonist was originally going to be ProtoCoso

  • Metalo's original name was "Metal Coso"

  • Demolished Cosa's salvaging was originally going to be a staring contest with her (Inspired by a FNaCandy's 3 scrapped mechanic)

  • Metalified wasn't planned at the beginning, the bossfight would've featured regular Metalo

  • I was struggling to find ideas for the 6th character (that ended up being the Discarded Meow Gang) and for a few days I though about a prototype of Cosa that would hide in lockers or closets, called "Closat"

  • Post-Night 5 was very different from the one you see in the game. The new bossfight changed almost everything but I didn't want to recode that part, so that's why it's a little bit buggy

  • The "select night" option was done 2 days before game's release as it wasn't originally planned to be in the game

  • Teow and Deow are the only Meow-Type animatronics that are not "voiced" by @SlipKod , but by me

  • Many voice actors such as @Janik_55555 and @FreadbearProductions had problems recreating the voices for their characters, but I do think they made a wonderful job

  • The game was suppose to have a "classic scrolling" system but I instead used a FNaF 6 approach and it worked way better

  • The idea of characters having an ability in custom mode came to me while I was in math class a month before game's release

  • My beta testers hated (and still hate) Kity because in early development she was the most bugged and over-powered character of all

  • Early in development the characters could attack you at the same time if you were unlucky enough. Now if they attack you in more than one, they will give you more time to give you a chance

  • When set on max before game release, Kity would move twice as fast when you charged the music box. Now she moves only a quarter faster

  • Early in development, Demolished Coso's purple ability would block you from using the music box but it was scrapped due to too many animatronics being associated with the music box

  • And last but not least, the ending was completely changed almost last minute.

Originally, the good ending was going to be almost the same as the current one, but Edward was meant to set fire to the junkyard and end all of the story.

I scapped it because:

  • Setting a FNaF location on fire? How original...

  • How could this be a good ending anyway?

  • The action was completely out of Edward's character

So there you go, some random fun facts on the game :)



Next up


I know how 2020 ruined most of people's expectations, yours and mine included!

So... what if I suddently make this year starting a little bit better with this office sneak peek ;D

It expired.

But don't you worry, this message here is another hint ;)

Hi, I was gonna make a coso remake but I'm scrapping the coso characters with original ones for the sake of originality.

The story is TOO good to have coso and co as the characters of the game....

Anyway here's the cosho model I'd use for the game lol.

Five Nights at Coso 3 is almost 2 years old...

Cosonet but he is the Medic of TF2 lol.

@Janik_55555 whenever you call him out for his cringe games...

Nobody told me he could do this.

Low and Behold! Here are all of the DLC Custom Night exclusive characters as promised!

"Hello... Lethal Company? I'd like to address a Warning about your Content!!!!!!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"