New marble world
1 year ago


Some issues with a recent update of Samsung can cause "no game audio" issues for Android users using Chrome. In this case, download Firefox on your phone to play with audio until a patch from Samsung or Google is done.



Next up

I "THINK" there is something wrong here lol

The WIP game "Sky Fortress" is inspired from the Arsenal bird in the game Ace Combat 7.

The funny part about it? The player WILL control this monster and deploy these drones C:<

Quick WIP of some old games to be upgraded to Construct 3 and be mobile ready C:

Some progress for "Art museum of your victims in paints" upgrade to Construct 3


WIP for "Sky Fortress"

I started the code with template assets the time I do them in Photoshop


2 WIP games for tonight.

They are planned to be released this Friday

WIP for "Sky Fortress"

More coding in progress.

I will try to make some sprites this week.

"Soccer goalkeeper mouse cursor" is now at V2.0.0

This update includes:

-Being optimized for mobile Web browser

-Fullscreen toggle

-Menu revamp

-New reset feature for the arcade mode rather going back to the menu after each game

At this point, it's just sad to barely see "Work hard" Unity game for the GameJam that respect all the rules...

If Construct 3 was authorized, I would try it, personally.

For the record, my PC can run Unity, I just hate using it, in my case.

"Key master storage unit edition" is now at V2.0.0.

This update includes:

-Being optimized for mobile Web browser

-Fullscreen toggle

-Menu revamp

-Resolution now bigger than before

-Movements are way faster now…