2 years ago

Dissension cover idea with Nightmare.EXE and Limu

Cover title: Hell's Judgement

JPN: 地獄の審判

Romaji: Jigoku no shinpan

Vocal Combinations

Nightmare.EXE: S!3V3N, WI Mouse.AVI (Phase 3), Jeff the Killer and Satan


Song made by SimplyCrispy

Friday Night Funkin': Hypno's Lullaby (V2 finished build) made by Banbuds

Late Night City Tales made by Daytimefish Studios

Idea made by Logun-Fazbear_EXE

Owner of Nightmare.EXE/Amatsu Mikoto, Mikaboshi/Phobetor/ Baku, the Nightmare Samurai: Logun-Fazbear_EXE

Mod links

Hypno's Lullaby V2

Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iijjmx1cuwzzjpj/HYPNOS+LULLABY+FINAL+V2+BUILD.zip/file

Late City Night Tales Chapter 1

Gamebanana: https://gamebanana.com/mods/397745

(This mod is cancelled due to some various reasons)

All rights reserved to ©Nintendo 1889-2022 and ©Game Freak 1989-2022



Next up

How to expose Enigma of Sépia ads being a scam

(And seriously, it’s making me laugh so hard that it’s funny to hear it saying “no p2w”)

Here’s part 2 of the games that I want to make on Roblox in the and since I’m a fan of Junji Ito, I wanted to like present my chosen short stories that I wanna turn it into a horror game on Roblox

Alright, a week ago, the poll for the upcoming games for this year ended and the results are very good so the upcoming game that is excited the most is……….. 🥁

DOOM: The Dark Ages!

I didn’t make anything for Valentine’s Day but HAPPY VALENTINES DAY

So here’s something that I wanna make games (and also animations) on Roblox in the future so that I can get started with my career after community College

Just Edd looking at you :)

Honestly me seeing leaks of Insomniac’s next upcoming game, Wolverine (even though they need to friggin chill)

“Oh! Okay” - Peter Griffin

Since Photo negative Mickey won the vote here it is

I did it…. I pre-ordered DOOM: The Dark Ages but with Premium Edition