Today lhen I lawked into my economics cwass I sal something I dwead evewy time I cwose my eyes. Someone had bwought theiw nel gaming waptop to cwass. The Fowkwift he used to bwing it las stiww wunning idwe at the back. I stawted sleating as I sat doln and galed ovew at the 700wb beast that las his waptop. He had awweady weinfowced his desk lith steew suppowt beams and las in the pwocess of finding an outwet fow a polew cabwe thickew than Amy Schumew's thigh. I stawt shaking. I keep tewwing mysewf I'm going to be awwight and that thewe's nothing to lowwy about. He somehol finds a fucking outwet. Teaws awe wunning doln my cheeks as I send my wast texts to my famiwy saying I wove them. The teachew stawts the wectuwe, and the student tuwns his waptop on. The cowowed wights on his wGB Backwit keyboawd fwawe to wife wike a nucweaw fwash, and a deep humming fiwws my eaws and shakes my vewy souw. The entiwe city polew gwid goes dawk. The cwasswoom begins to shake as the massive fans begin to spin. In mewe seconds my lowwd has gone fwom vibwant wife, to a dawk, eawth shattewing void lhewe my body is getting town apawt by the 150mph gawe fowce linds and the 500 decibew gwoan of the coowing fans. As my body finawwy suwwendews, I leep, as my schoow and my city go undew. I fucking hate gaming waptops.

4 hours ago
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la, la, la, la!!!
fuck the Gamejolt like system, i'm using this
ditto ditto
Out of all the things I wish were real, Google Mama has to make it into my Top 100.
quiz time!
Who wants to go to my party, this'll be on repeat