1 month ago

Do y'all play Godzilla Battle Line?


The Article Is One Hella Rant About It

But I'll Give Godzilla Battle Line A 8/10

I play it. Thoughts? It's not bad I guess except every button you click has to load which is kinda annoying, and finding an opponent in Ranked Matches takes forever. And I swear that give up button is going to make me lose my mind

This is my team


If i chould i would've make Godzilla Earth leader. Rn my leader is Godzilla Ultima(He's actually overpowered) My 4 best battle pieces is Aqua,Leo,Rainbow Mothra and obviously Godzilla Earth(I'm excluding Godzilla Ultima Because he's the leader)

At the moment I'm on the hunt for Shin And Minus One Godzilla...Shin Godzilla as leader is probably the most broken thing in the game. Mecagodzilla can come in handy mothra and King Ghidora to I guess. Any way that's all I wanted to share...or is it?


This is Godzilla Ultima's funko pop, since I have him as leader it's only right to say. I NEED THIS FELLA. Luckily for me this Sunday I'm going to BUY him :O

Okay Now It's Everything I Wanted To Rant About, See Ya Later :)




Next up

How Hungry?

Ain't No Way

Here's a meme dump as my final post

Any way I guess that's all folks. Good luck with what ever life throws at you and yeah I guess that's actually it. Cya!

-Wifigameeeeer ;)

Cursed images


bri'i'ish dental care

Hip Hip Hooray😭😭