22 days ago

Do you want a fangame that follows the story of a previous fallen human just like Undertale Yellow did? Well, then do I know that fangame for you. . . Somewhere else.

I see stuff like that on Gamejolt and YouTube. In the MCRP/TV community. People say “So you want Minecraft role plays just like Aphmau used to do?”

And I be like, no. If I want Aphmau role plays then I’ll go to her channel. Instead, I'd rather hear “Do you want a Minecraft Roleplay that has [STORY THEME HERE] & [STORY THEME HERE] then look at-" It may be just be pure self promotion at its finest but at least by doing that your showing confidence in your work.

I see fangames saying shit on those lines and all I hear is "See how UTY is a soul prequel? Well I'm also a soul prequel therefore give me your love, support, and attention". . . . . Okay, what else? ".. . . What-" What else? Your a soul take, okay. so are the other 152 soul takes. What else is there to you? "I- ummm". Like, what's the story? Why did the human fall down? Why are they going through the underground? Why- "Um! All of that is going to be secret for now, oh well! I guess you'll have to wait until full release ^^".

. . . . . I don't mean to be rude or anything, but if you want to get attention by using this project as a source for it. Don't just call your self a soul prequel and expect to get popular over night. Same thing applies even if your not doing it for attention but still want to get this project known by the community. Give us more than just saying "Im A SoUl PrEqUeL" and maybe give us the humans name if we're lucky. I'm not saying to show all of the games scripts or anything but at least give us a small plot summary. Doing this will attract more people who take the time to read the game's description and decide of they want to follow this projects development and maybe even help out. This also is important for recruiting team members and making promotional deals, no one will want to work on the project or help you at all unless you show some signs of potential. You don't need top tier quality art right off the bat. Sometimes all you need is a good plot summary or base line concept (Other than being a soul take) and people will come to you. And some will even want to draw said top tier quality art for the project due to them thinking that the project has-(say it with me now) "potential".

Look at some examples:


Undertale: Wildfire: "There is a human living in the furthest reaches of Snowdin. Riley builds a new life in the Underground piece by piece: the cabin has light, the pantry is stocked, and their hat helps them blend in at the village."

"None of the monsters suspect a thing... except one."

"When the mysterious and powerful Mr. Sunshine attacks Riley at their isolated cabin home, the human is left with overwhelming fear from his vicious assault."

"Sunshine's parting demand is simple: confront him in the capital."

"Join Riley on their search for courage through never-before-seen parts of the Underground: the remote tundras of Snowdown, the streets of New Home, and more."


PK!Undertale Cyan: Ten years ago, a child disappeared from a village near the base of MT EBOTT. Several years later, that child’s body was carried into the village by a MONSTER, a creature only known of from ancient stories. Join Dinah as she searches for the truth of what happened that day.


Undertale Brave Beginnings: When a child named Valor leaps into Mt. EBBOT in a desperate attempt to end their life, they find themselves in a world beneath the mountain with no memories of their life on the surface. Journey through the Underground with Valor, As they try and reach the King of Monsterkind ASGORE to escape the underground.


Undertale Yellow: When a child named Clover sets out on a mission, they find themself deep within the Underground. In this foreign land, monsters lurk around every corner, but are they friend or foe?


[CANCELLED] Undertale Green Kindness: Follow the fifth human, Olive, the soul of kindness through their journey into the underground, in order to find the king of monsterkind. But will they makes friend on the road ? it's up to you to decide their fate, in brand new areas, and with brand new monsters to discover!

Hell UTGK, doesn't even state why their Humans got into the Underground in the first place and that's still fine! They still gave more information on the project other than "I'm a Soul Prequel". And I get you don't owe the followers of a game anything regarding story/gameplay but if you want your project to be known by at lest some of the fandom then you need to at least show that you're worth the time and effort to support and maybe even work with. You not showing anything about your project other than what seems to be a concept at first glance makes you come off as someone who is

A) Not confident in your work

B) Doesn't actually have a story written out yet (Which is fine)


C) Is just not going to make it due to it looking like not much effort is put into it.

"But Reed, what if I am A & B at the same time!?!?" Then say that. If you aren't confident in your writing or just simply have nothing written out yet then just say that. It's much better to put it all in the open then act like you got everything figured out. There's no shame in having a project still in concept phase for now. Actually, I feel like that's a place we all start at first and can bring in an audience if you play your cards right. You can contact other writers in and out of the fandom and see if they want to help you, the worse they can say is "No" and that's it. It may sting a little at first but in the end you didn't lose anything. You can still try again for as long as you need (Or as long you have internet access )

The only way I can see you getting attention by saying your a soul prequel is by having top tier promotional art or gameplay which to be fair. . . Yeah it works but you're going to be screwed of you don't have top tier promotional art or any gameplay yet and still try to do this.

Overall I'm just saying, if you want to try so hard to be known and seen by the fandom on a larger scale then just try harder and low and behold "Git Good" which is easier said then done but will be worth it in the long run. As wrong as it is, a low follower count over a long period of time can cause a lot of emotional problems for a lead/head dev of a project which may stem from multiple mental health issues (Like Self-esteem, depression, anxiety, etc.). You rather have to just work harder while not straining yourself and Get Good or just try not to care about how many people know/follow you.

"But what if I have all of this down already and I still have a low follower account and I want attention?". I would suggest reaching out to other creators in the community and see of they'd be willing to make some sort of promotional deal. This would show your support for each other and get more eyes on both of your projects even if one of you has a low follower count.


You could simply. . . Wait. Just have patience, focus on your project and try not to worry about a number on a screen for right now. You'll get there eventually, just take your time, don't rush anything, take breaks when you need them and stay determined. . . . And if you get any hate comments just punch them in the face and tell them to get bent (That last part was a joke. Seriously, just ignore them. Their just dumbasses who want an reaction out of you or to just see you fail. DON'T LET THEM WIN BY THEM GETTING THE BETTER IF YOU OR IN YOUR HEAD).

That's all for now. Bye guys.



Next up

Oh yeah, the character was Emerald. Lmao

Valor? Whose Valor? THIS is the true protagonist of Beginnings Brave: Undertale. Rolav!

I want to get better at painting shadows.

Bro wtf is going on with google right now. That's not even the current logo for the project. That's the old one that I took down months ago And didn't I say that UTBB will have no connections to UTY other than a few easter eggs in the FaQ?

a day late ;) (1/2)

Put these two in a room together NOW. I want to see the Alpaca suffer!!!/j @Team_UndertaleGreen

. . . . .

SURPRISE!! To commemorate Undertale's 9th anniversary, stickers of Undertale characters will be available!!

Unfortunately since I'm quite busy (and also pretty burnt out from doing art right now) I only got to make a few... But I hope you guys like'em!

Tbh. . . I'm sick of seeing so many braveries. Especially when their so little from the other soul traits/colors receive so little attention compared to orange.