Bonnie Custom Night

13 days ago

Doesn't this sound familiar . . .


I've been hard at work on V1.1.0 as you guys know. Since we switched over to the Godot Port I've been taking ample time to upgrade the render quality and it's been very, very great.

I'm trying to share updates more frequently so the game isn't considered 'dead', because it very much is not! I've been working on the game actively, even if at a slower pace than some may expect.

Sounds are taking a bit longer than expected ... ended up running into an issue where Bonnet's scream would play at like 900db
(i forgot to make a variable check.)

Plus, I want to use some new ones for the game, so not all of them are going to be entirely the same v1.0.91

I promise I'm working hard, and I'm really excited to share progress soon.



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