DOGS of the DARK
2 years ago

DOGS of the DARK got an update! v0.1.1


-- Nerfed the multiplier on Critical Hits in battle.

-- Green Bubble now only lasts 15 seconds before it pops.

-- Green Bubble now can absorb 15% damage

-- All Random Encounter Enemies have had their coin drops increased slightly

-- The Damage Indicator now shows the correct damage when dealing critical damage.

-- Changed a tree in one of the first rooms of Chapter 1 to a big tree. Remnant from alpha that never got changed

-- Fixed a bug that prevented players from interacting with objects while auto run was enabled

-- Changed the room name "Fuchsia Forest - Another Switch Puzzle" to "Fuchsia Forest - More Switches"

-- Disabled Generation of .lang files in Save Directory

-- Fixed a Beta Holdover where the Copper Cutlas would reduce the cost of Rude Breaker

-- Added support, go check it out there.

-- Updated Chapter 2's Tileset



Next up

Posted one of the updated songs that will appear in the recoded Chapter 1 on SoundCloud. Take this and the sick art I made for it

What the shit! Something outperforming my FNAS stuff. Thank you all so much for downloading the game, glad to see people find this game more interesting than FNAS stuff :)

Chapter 2 progress coming along nicely

Here's a preview of the "luscious" Drippling Caves. The lower half of the mountain you traverse through in Chapter 2.

Minecarts or something like that...


Nothing new on DotD rn, still working on re-writing chapter 2.

For now, here's some Halloween art. Happy Halloween you goofs. ;)

Also one more thing...

get ready.

Currently my favorite section of Chapter 2

Give me like a week, I'll prolly make something better.