This is my custom made entity: Static. He's a tall, slender figure with long legs and has a TV for his head. He has a 1/1000 chance of spawning in other rooms, but has a 10/10 chance of spawning in room 69. However, in the main lobby, he is there in case you would like to spectate players in other servers.
Players that encounter him are not allowed to proceed into the next room until they answer his 3 questions correctly. His questions are completely random, and they're either math problems, entity naming (either by image, description, or sound), or describing what a tool does (or vise versa: naming a tool based on image or description).
If the player gets at least 2 out of 3 right, he will reward them with 300 nobs (maybe even give them a useful item, which is a 50/50 chance), before letting them pass. However, if the player gets at least 2 out of 3 wrong, Static will kill the player. [Note: If the player gets a full 3 out of 3 questions right, they will be given 500 nobs with 1 or 2 useful items, and will be teleported to the room AFTER the one you were initially supposed to go through (basically, you get to skip 1 room hehehehaw).]