Super 8-Bit Collection 2018

5 years ago

Down the Tubes 3D was my first 3D and my first #fps game. It is loosly based on the Wolfenstein art style. Expect better controller support and better overall gameplay.



Next up

Pac-Man clone! Program and Control... Sorry I just had to say it. #blackmirror

New stickers for Patreon subscribers... oh yeah I'm gonna launch a Patreon soon...and its gonna have stickers... Also Patreons would gain free access to the super8bit collection #indiegamedev #starvingdev #starvingartist

Las Hermana Maria was also created in just one day as part of my protober prototype experiment. It was intended to be a parody or clone of the original Mario Bros but once I added guns it began to feel a little more like Super Crate Box.

New hand drawn beat em up game for y'all to enjoy!

New game coming soon! An updated version of my GMTK 21 entry...

Galaxy Fighter, a Galaga-inspired #shooter , was my first attempt at creating prototypes daily. although the total dev time is under 24 hours I think you will find plenty to explore.

Waiting for my collection to drop? Well, I published a new game created for #miniJam while you wait. #gamejolt

Happy #2019! What's your resolution? In 18 I decided to create 50 video game prototypes (about one a week) and I accomplished it. On Jan 4th I will be releasing a collection of my favorite prototypes that will include some submissions for passed game jams

The Game is on Sale for a limited time get it while its hot!

And if you buy the game in December you get a preview of my new game coming to XBox One!

An updated version of my WGJ25 game, Camelot Crawl, will be included with the 2018 collection. Fixing and adding levels was always my intention from the beginning. The update will also include hints at a story that leads into Rogue Repulser.