3 months ago

Drag Update - v0.3.4 Changelog

This update changed a lot of things. We weren't initially planning to release the changelog, but it felt necessary.

Also, the game description has been updated and the soundtrack has been added to the game page.

  • A debug menu has been added, although no functions have been implemented. In v0.3.5, a Debug Menu will be available for basic game functions (like entering certain levels or menus, and changing the settings).

  • A new loading screen has been added. You're not sitting in a black void while the game is loading anymore.

  • Smoothness has been added to the movement of the Blue Ball. It should feel much better to control now.

  • The drag function no longer remains active if the cursor is outside the game window.

  • Moving platforms now generate less bounce force towards the Blue Ball. This should fix the issue of the Blue Ball going crazy if it rammed into one of them.

  • Added loopable versions of the game's music.

  • Added secrets for when interacting with the Red Ball.

  • Optimization changes to help boost performance on lower-end devices.

  • The restart button now only resets the Blue Ball instead of the entire level. (It started to become an issue with later levels)

  • The settings menu has been completely redesigned from it's Alpha counterpart. It now uses buttons instead of sliders.

  • Settings no longer reset regardless of player preference.

  • The FPS counter now shows more than just "30" or "60".

  • The title screen now uses the updated logo.



Next up

Sci-Jewel Media Dump Incoming!

Help Wanted!

PSA: The Sci-Jewel thread in Bejeweled 3's forums on Steam have been locked.

Part Two of the Sci-Jewel Media Dump

Would you play a game of cards if the deck looked like this?

New Logo Revision

IndieDB authorized Sci-Jewel's game page on their site! This is an important step in gaining some traction and spreading more awareness of the game.

The game page also acts as an info archive, so you should definitely check it out!

2024 Roadmap...well, some of it.

The whole thing will be gradually revealed throughout the entire year, so make sure you keep tabs on this.

Bandana Dee the Dream Friend

art comission.