Dream Tear - Elementar Rising 2 - Atom Maker
7 years ago

DTER2 - Atom Maker Demo launches!

Not sure why I hadn’t done this ahead of time, but yeah you can get the demo now. It’s stable in places, with some lag here and there, but I’m overall looking to see if it’s enjoyable, and what could make the experience better. Playing with a controller sadly isn’t an option, because I have no idea how to make the aiming work correctly with a controller. More over, I think the free style with the mouse adds some charm to the system I created.

Anyways, I hope you guys have fun with this build. Keep a look out for more updates in the future, and you can catch more on the project, as well as it’s Manga teaser on the official website here.

Official website -

Manga link -



Next up

The Yandere Limit Definitive Edition now is Extended edition.

Introducing Yandere Limit HD.

Hey guys, on the eve of a new release, I came across an old manga episode I had made of DT2 which followed the start up to a boss. Thought I'd toss this out to help with the wait. Always epic looking back.

Yandere Limit Extended edition is live!

To anyone who has played Yandere Limit, this art might look a bit familiar. The next big update will contain new art, made by TheZodiacKirby as well as some other things. Yui will be out to get her senpai yet again lol. #yandere #yanderelimit #gamedev

A tune from YL2, named Ink Storm. If there's any other take away from this series is it's music lol. Can't wait for you all to hear where it plays!

Here's a teaser image displaying a mysterious character, who it is though will be revealed in the new update later! Guess this version really will have a lot more coming to the table.

An updated shot of the battle scene found in the Alpha. Things will be looking better the next update!

DTER2 - Coming soon this month - Floating Ruin Area look

A look at night 2, more importantly, how to maneuver around it. Gotta keep those lights on. #horror #yanderelimit #sleepover

Here's a look at the updated comic page and UI coming to things. I might have to make a new project page featuring all the changes and updates, but guess I'll see as I go. Thanks for all your support!

Art by TheZodiacKirby