Dream Tear - Elementar Rising 3 - Rise of Disorder

6 years ago

DTER3 Alpha released

Hey guys you can now get a small taste of how things are coming with the game engine so far. It’s only 1 stage, but the full demo will include the 2nd area and boss. Perhaps 1 other stage to play through as well, but I’ll keep you guys noted. For now hope you enjoy it so far. It’s pretty short, so there’s not too much you can do, unless you want to just bug hunt ha ha. Anyways let me know what you guys think, and of any bugs you guys find.

Known bugs:
Character switching - At times characters especially Chris Kumono tends not to pop in at times. Might be something in the values I have to check out.

Imogen disapears after getting hit at odd times, something I may have to check into with hit detection and recovery.

Demi can fly over walls when using her up + punch button. Another detection issue.

There may also be a bug when trying to replay the game, that requires a joystick or so, granted the game at this time does not support controller play. It should be taken out, but if that does pop up, let me know and I’ll work on a remedy for it. If anything a paid version will include controller support, as I’d have to really hammer down and figure out how to get some skills working correctly, one big one being the ‘electrical ball guider’

Anyways hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think!



Next up

Sprite work is under way We’re currently starting on the sprites for things. So far so good! Expect a new video a game demo once more is completed. Kanoir is doing a fantastic job with these so far! Artwork - Kanoir Base work and animation - Skytric

Might be moving Yandere Limit 1 to smile game builder, the same engine Yadere Limit SO is being made in. I'll keep you all posted, but so far it's all running REALLY smoothly. #yandere #yanderelimit #horror #smilegamebuilder

Getting even more sprite reactions in this gig. Ready for battle? Oh yeah and bot updates as well!

Working on lot's of maps right now, also don't mind the temp store keeper. Seems to be pretty dark though, so he must be running solar energy.

This song merges some music from DT3 with Yandere Limit. Might make an interesting crossover of my stuff later lol. If you guys haven't tried Yandere Limit or Dream Tear series, give them a go sometime!

Aiko Misa voice added!

Some updated textbox work and volcanic background area art. Things are really shaping up more with things! I'll keep you posted on updates.

A funny bit here from Demi Winters, she's like a rocket going off lol. That scream though.

Yandere Limit Extended edition is live!

DT3 - Rise of Disorder - Demo 2 released