Dude, Stop

8 years ago

Dude, Stop – Can you guess where the diamond is?!

Apart from making new puzzles, we are remastering old ones as well, adding more fun and choices to them. That means completely redoing them or just changing the art and labeling as “new!”.
Here’s one example (you could recognize it from the demo).

The next step is ironing out at least 90% of all bugs. This will allow us to make a first more or less playable version, maybe even show it to some friends-and-family-beta-testers just to see how they crush all our hopes and dreams :(

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Next up

Dude, Stop - Release Date is Coming!

Here is what happens when you reduce the "reload" time of a plant in Unity. Should we make it into a series? 👀

Dude, Stop - Cat

It is not actually on PS5 yet, just for giggles👀

Dude, Stop - Teaching game to speak!

Fine I will automate watering and then go to sleep

Dude, Stop - Result Screen

Dude, Stop - Different Save Slots!

Short video on the progress of our game♥

Dude, Stop - New Logo